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Don't forget to Forgive

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"To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love, in return you will receive untold peace and happiness"- Robert Muller
Life is a journey. In a lifetime, every individual comes across different situations. Disappointment in others comes just as easily as happiness does.

Every kind of relation is special. It is a known fact that sometimes, talking to that person is all the therapy we need. Such is the role played by them. Whenever we feel down in the dumps, just their presence can give us wings. Even a person in such a wonderful position may make us question our trust in them.

When we find that someone close to us has disappointed us in any way, we often react in a flash, keeping that one mistake in our mind, forgetting about a history of relation. At that moment nothing else seems to matter.

We may even carry that burden all our lives, the negativity just keeps on increasing and when it's too late, we realize what we have actually lost. A valuable person.

One should understand that there is nothing we can gain from anger. One must believe in second chances. People may say or do things either intentionally or unintentionally.

Forgiveness is the need of the hour. We must not let anger get the best of us. Nelson Mandela said "To love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite" and what is more beautiful than the love of forgiveness?

One word of forgiveness is giving the wrong doer a chance to redeem himself/herself. Forgiveness also has wonderful returns. We find ultimate solace in having let go a burden from our shoulders. It may be hard at first, but later we feel grateful for not acting in a haste. Forgiveness is one of the most important lessons to be learnt in life. Forgiveness is an act that keeps relations intact.

Philomath team
